I know,
i haven't posted for a while... - but now I'm back from my bored status because :
My best friend is back! yeah it's pretty cool (:
But the deal was that when she come's back my room need to be finished, what not happened :o .
But hey, i'll have the rest of the vacation.
These days i'm really into painting,
I've painted some paintings for the toilet :p It's a beginning.
And maybe tomorrow I get my OWN camera ... because my parents didn't give me my b-day present yet (my b-day is on the 13 of January). So then I'll show you some pics of my paintings.
And I don't know how to put You Tube movies here, so I will try some stuff.
Maybe it works.
*A love song for Bobby Long
Great movie! I just love it!
The songs are also good.
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