zondag 30 november 2008
zaterdag 29 november 2008
donderdag 27 november 2008
Burning candles

Hi, the exams are almost there!
I know i have to study , but I'm to lazy.
Todat we went with school to theatre, I found it really funny.
After that I went to Emma.
Yesterday my boyfriend an I were a month together.
This week was a week full of magic. Burning candles, incense, lovely letters, romance books and
old witchie stuff.
The gossip - Standing in the way of control
zaterdag 22 november 2008
Love from Belgium
Kerli - Walking on Air
Hi, it's a long time ago since my last post. My laptop is still dead.
But i can play those 'relaxgames'. Yesterday I broke my record of a game called 'Mijnenveger' with 10 seconds. I also found this song of Kerli, and I just love it!
This week was booooring. To much schoolwork. Sickness. And a annoying brother.
Still 4 days and my boyfriend and I are a month together. It is no big deal. But this is the first long relation I ever had. So i like it!
The parents of Emma, by best friend, invited my family for dinner tonight.
So I look forward for it.
Tomorrow I'm goint to study study study! I have to MUCH homework.
So this was the post.
I hope you all have a nice weekend!

zaterdag 15 november 2008
teacups and a dead laptop

my laptop is dead dead dead! It really sucks!
My videocard or something is stuck , so now the only thing that I can see is ; internet in bad bad bad quality. It only has 5colors.
Today I went to the Chinese acadamy in Gent,
after that I went to my boyfriend. I met his parents.
Tomorrow my dad is going to Madrid, for his work.
Not for a long time, i think 1week. But normaly he is the computer specialist.
So my laptop will be dead for weeks.
Labels: daily
dinsdag 11 november 2008
maandag 10 november 2008
The roses are almost gone.

Yesterday I went together with Emma and her mum to the Book Fair in Antwerp.
It's was fun! All those books! It was the first time I went to the book fair, and I really enjoyed it!
I bought :
-Santa Montefiore : De Franse tuinman
-Kate Morton : De vergeten tuin
After that I stayed to 7p.m. by Emma. We took some photo's.
When I was home, we ate some delicious 'Hutsepot' , made a fire in our hearth.
And watched the movie 'Blackbook'.
Today I'm going to study, ate, read books! , watch television and I'm going to my boyfriend.
I wish you all a nice monday!
Labels: daily
vrijdag 7 november 2008
donderdag 6 november 2008
woensdag 5 november 2008
Alicia's new shoes
Last week I went to Gent with some friends.
First we went shopping, after that we went to the mc donalds and ate some frites. Jommie.
Then we went for a walk.
I had a nice time.
Labels: daily
dinsdag 4 november 2008
What I want

This wonderful boots.

A beautiful , big, comfy sweater. Like this one from facehunter
Labels: daily, what I want
maandag 3 november 2008

'Wilgen verbleken, espen trillen, de lichte bries verduistert en huivert.'

'Datgene waarover we niet kunnen praten, moet aan de stilte worden vertrouwd.'

'Wilgen verbleken, espen trillen, de lichte bries verduistert en huivert.'

'Datgene waarover we niet kunnen praten, moet aan de stilte worden vertrouwd.'
Labels: Quote
zondag 2 november 2008
Somebody stole my bicycle, I really hate it!
My parents are pissed of and they blame me.
So I really feel fucked up!
If i catch the thief, I will , you know ... Kill him/her.
I'm sorry for this post, but I have to say,
now I told all my frustrations,... i feel a bit better.
My parents are pissed of and they blame me.
So I really feel fucked up!
If i catch the thief, I will , you know ... Kill him/her.
I'm sorry for this post, but I have to say,
now I told all my frustrations,... i feel a bit better.
Labels: daily